A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: Warning

Message: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: user (path: /var/www/session)

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 143

Hello Brain • Get The App
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Take the Hello Brain Challenge – do one thing every day that’s good for your brain. Our Free App provides daily suggestions and support.


  • Physical exercise helps to grow connections in the brain
  • Just 10 minutes of social interaction can increase your brain performance
  • Increased complex mental activity late in life has been linked to lower dementia risk
  • Stress can impact negatively on brain health. Laughter relieves stress.
  • Obesity is linked with an increased risk of developing dementia

         …and much more!


Don't worry if you don't have a

smartphone you can use the

app online on this website…

You can also download a PDF

version of the app here

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PDF version of the hellobrain app
Link to Apple App Store
Link to Google Play Store